Biohazard Cleaning: COVID-19 Outbreaks in the Workplace

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If an employee in your workplace has tested positive for COVID-19, you will need to organise a deep clean of the area before other people can return to work. This article will explore the steps a biohazard cleaning team will take to disinfect a building. Read on to find out more!


The biohazard cleaning team will be made up of a team of trained and accredited staff. The team will work alongside environmental health officers, who will be familiar with the procedures needed to tackle the spread of contamination. The cleaning team will require information about which areas of the building the infected person used most frequently and for the longest duration as these are the places where there is an increased chance that surfaces have been infected. This knowledge is useful as it allows the team to identify areas which require special attention. Before starting the deep clean, the biohazard cleaning team will need to confirm the infected employee's identity and remove the equipment they used.

Personal protective clothing

A biohazard cleaning team will wear biohazard suits and take special precautions when performing the deep clean. The suits will include full face protection for the face and nose, a complete or partial sealing of the ears, mouth and other areas for infection, and any necessary eye protection. The deep clean of a contaminated area requires extensive training in infection control procedures, regular safety training, and appropriate handling of personal protective equipment. The biohazard cleaning team will have received full training which they will use throughout the cleaning process.


Deep clean teams do not use ordinary spray bottles, instead, they use spray equipment which creates a fog of disinfectant within a room. This fog of fine particles of disinfectant will fall through the atmosphere and settle on every surface in a room. The disinfectant will instantly kill any trace of the COVID-19 virus as soon as it comes into contact with it. Once the deep clean is completed, you should carry out a risk assessment of the facility to ensure it is safe for employees to go back to work and to complete their daily tasks. This will help you to identify ways in which you can keep your employees safe.

If you're interested in finding out more, you should get in touch with a cleaning company which offers biohazard cleaning services. A contractor will be happy to offer you further help and advice.

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How to Clean Just About Anything Dealing with a messy home can be really stressful. Thankfully, if you deploy some of the cleaning techniques outlined in this blog, you will be able to get your house in order. We will be looking at how to cut through grease in your kitchen, how to remove tough stains from your carpet, and how to beat dust which builds up in your home. We aren't professional cleaning contractors, but we have spent many hours cleaning our homes and researching the best ways to perform different tasks. Hopefully, this blog will prove super useful to you. Thanks for stopping by.

